Thursday, August 9, 2007

Christina Howie Lindsay

Christina Howie Lindsay

Written by her son William Lindsay

She was the oldest child of William Howie and Jane Blackwood. She was born at Craighall, Aryshire, Scotland, on July 3rd, 1823. Her father was working as a farm laborer and although a very steady worker, he had little of the world’s goods, and it was hard to support his family. Wages were very small in the county of Craighall. It was a small village near the banks of the river Syrshire that Burns mentioned often in his songs and poems, a very pretty place some three miles from the town of Ayrshire, and in a farming district.

She got very little education, as they lived three miles from the school house. When quite young, she learned to milk cows, make butter and cheese. She even helped to cut the grain with a cycle and bind it. While cutting grain, she cut her little finger which was stiff for the rest of her life.

When Father first met her, she was a dairy maid at a farm called Crawfordstone. They were married at Craighall on the 15th day of May 1844. On account of Father’s work they kept moving about from time to time. Only once, however, did they move out of Ayrshire an that was just before my birthday in 1847. While living there in 1848 (April) they joined the Mormon Church, and both were faithful leaders as long as they lived, though they had to meet the scoffs and scorn of their friends and neighbors. She was the only one of the Howie family to join the church at this time. Her brother William Howie did join later, but it seemed it was only for the purpose of getting help to bring them to Utah, and then he was not satisfied and went back to England. I visited him in Leeds in 1907, and found him a poor old man and very deaf, but he wished he was back in Heber Valley again. Poor old uncle Willie, I felt sorry for him. Father and Mother in their moving about were far from the meeting places of the Mormons. Quite often they walked three or four miles to attend the meetings, and she generally had a baby to carry. She would wrap them in a shawl and carry them on her back. I am sure she did this hundreds of times. No woman was more interested in the welfare of her children than she was.

I remember well when I first had to go to work in the coal mines. I was nine years old and we had to get up very early. Mother used to wake us up and help us get dressed and with tears in her eyes she would say, “My poor sweet boys, I hope you will some day get away from the coal pits.”

Mother was a grand baker of soda scones, especially if she could get butter-milk to mix with the flour. At the death of our dear father, she did not give way to despair but stood the terrible shock wonderfully well. Her faith in God was still strong, and calling us boys around her, she said, “Boys, never mind, we will go to Zion yet.” And on the very first ship in the spring, she was right. Father was killed on the 17th of October, 1861, and we started for Utah the 19th of April 1862. Of course us boys had to work in the coal mines that six months and do the best we could without our dear father. James and I had to pull our little cars of coal right over the spot where father was killed. Robert and Sam had to work in another part of the mine. Finally a letter came from Liverpool, informing us that the berths on the ship had been secured for New York for all our family. The name of the ship was, “John J. Boyd” and it was to sail for New York on April the 22nd and for us to dispose of everything that we would not need on the journey, and be in Liverpool by the 21st of April. This letter was the cause of much rejoicing in our family. Brother Sam ran around saying, “That’s the best letter that ever came to hour house.” And I think we all agreed. We received this letter about the 16th of April and we quickly dispensed of the few things we had to sell for just what we could get. On the 19th of April 1862 we gladly bid our friends goodbye. We went by train from Kilmarnock to Glasgow and from there to Liverpool on a small steamer, where some of us got our first touch of seasickness. We got on board the ship along with 700 passengers, all leaving relatives and friends ant their native land, bound for Utah.

James S. Brown was president of the company. The ship was divided into 7 wards with a man to oversee each ward. We only had one storm of any consequence on the voyage. The food and water was not good and there was only one large stove or galley to cook for the 700 people. In these conditions it as hard to get anything cooked. Mother, however, had cooked a lot of oat cakes to bring with us so we fared better than many others. There were two deaths on the sea. We arrived safely in New York on the 4th of June, stayed there two days and had to walk two miles to the horse cars which took us to the Hudson River. We went to Albany on a steamboat, then by train and steamboat to Florence. We were 10 days getting to Florence and had little to eat. We got food from the Church storehouse at Florence. We were there seven weeks waiting for the ox teams coming from Utah to haul our luggage over the plains and mountains.

Our family, with others, was assigned to John Turner’s wagon in Homer Duncan’s company. The teamsters and oxen were new to us. We left Florence on the Missouri River July 20th, on our long and tiresome journey of a thousand miles, in the heat, dust, rain and wind. This was a wonderful experience and very trying for most of those people who had never slept out of doors or cooked in pots and skillets on the open fire made of sticks, brush or buffalo chips and sleeping in tents with ten or twelve others and traveling along the long dusty road for some 15 miles a day. There were fifty wagons in each train and all were warned to keep close to the wagons for fear of Indians. At night there was a corral formed by the wagons, twenty-five wagons on each side with an opening on each end and a guard placed at the openings. Our family crossed the plains without any serious mishap. Several persons died and were buried by the roadside without coffins. We arrived in Heber on the 21st of September, 2 months on the way. George and John Muir met us on Silver Creek or probably we would have gone with the train to Salt Lake City.

Mother soon bought a cabin from Dayless Sprouse and paid for it in clothing she had brought from Scotland. Robert and I hired and we got wheat for our pay, so the family had bread to eat. Our little sister Elizabeth died on the 4th of October some two weeks after our arrival, and was among the first to be buried in Heber.

Mother was always very independent. There was a move on foot soon after we got here by Wm. J. Wall and others, for all of the settlers to donate to a fund that would furnish a cow free to all the new families, but she refused to take a cow in that way, so she traded a dress pattern to Janet Sessions and got her first cow. In 1864, she was married to George Muir, and even after her marriage she worked in the harvest fields binding wheat to help him with his work. She was always busy doing work of some kind. She got one of the first sewing machines and did sewing for other families. She went to the head of Echo canyon to work and cook for 20 or more men from Heber, who were working on the railroad in 1868. Later, she went to Evanston, where George Muir worked at the coal mines, and while there, she kept boarders, and saved enough money with the help of her sons to build the rock house in Heber. Very few women would have undertaken such things.

When they returned to Heber, she acted as a mid-wife, helping many women in times of need. Then she took up a homestead claim at Center Creek, proved upon the claim and gave the title to her sons John and George. She also did what temple work she could for her dead. She was quite active, up to within a year of her death. She often expressed her thanks to God, that she had, with help, and the help of her sons, been able to come to Utah and to see them all comfortably located in homes of their own, with good wives, and she said, “I couldn’t have picked better ones myself.”

When I went on my mission in 1905, she accompanied me on the train to Provo. There I was parted with her, having hopes that I would meet her again on my return but in this I was mistaken, as she passed away on the 25th of July 1906, a few days over 83 years of age.

She lived with George Muir over 40 years, and you may be sure she had plenty to put up with, on account of his drinking, but however she stayed with him or let him stay with her, and finally she had the satisfaction of seeing him live a sober few years. I want to say this for him, he had many good traits in his character and especially he was good natured and not abusive when drinking as some men are.

(Missing something here I think)

She said no, when got a cow it will be “oor ain”. So she sold a shawl or a dress pattern to Alex Session’s wife and got her first cow and she was proud of it too.

There was a grist mill on Snake Creek that had been built that summer but it had no smutter and the flour we got from it was very dark. But people had to use that or go to a mill at Provo and even after she was married to George Muir, she helped bind the grain at harvest time. She always was very independent and would not be a burden to anybody if she could help it.

I the fall of 1868 when the Union Pacific Railroad was being built, I took her out to the head of Echo Canyon to cook for some 20 men from Heber which were working there and I also took my intended wife to help her. I took Mother’s stove and all cooking utensils. They earned about $90.00 each while there. She had two children by George Muir. John, born May 24th, 1864 and George, born February 16th, 1866. She also got one of the first sewing machines in Heber and did the sewing for other families. Then she went out to Evanston and kept boarders …Missing words..years. While there, she decided to have a rock house built where the log cabin had been. They got us boys to quarry th rock and haul it, dig the foundation and all other work necessary around the building. Then we got old Elisha Averett to take…. Missing words… up the walls and some helping lay stone. In this way her stone house was built. She kept sending money and other things that we could use to help us… Missing words… while working on the building. Later she came to Heber and took up a Homestead and lived on it, got the title and turned it over to her sons John and George. The house was on Center Creek. For quite a number of years she acted as a midwife… Missing words… very successful in helping to bring many children into the world.

She also visited the Salt Lake Temple a number of times and did the work for all of her dead relatives that she had the necessary dates to work with.

A few years before her death, she lived in her own home in Heber and was quite spry and active and did her own housekeeping till within a short time before her death at the age of 83 years and 22 days.

Although she never held any high public office in the Church, she was a firm believer and a staunch supporter of all the doctrines of the church and did all she could to encourage her children to work in every way possible for the up-building and on-rolling of the worn of God in the earth. She surely deserves great praise for the great work she performed in bringing her family to Utah.

She was a wonderful good mother to us all. God bless her memory.

The following lines were written by me while in England on a mission.

On Hearing of my Mother’s Illness:

It grieves my heart to learn you are so ill

And that I am so far away but still

I know you’ve good true friends on every hand

No better can be found in any land.

I thank the Lord that though I’m far away

Your sons and daughters are with you each day

To cheer and comfort you by words and deeds

In every way attending to your needs.

I pray to God that if it be his will

That he with health and strength may bless you still

That we might all be spared to meet again

In Utah’s peaceful vales free from all pain.

On July 3rd you will be eighty three

A good old age that only few do see

And few have e’er excelled you in your life

As Mother, constant friend, or faithful wife.

I feel to honor you for all you’ve done

To teach and train your daughters and your sons

In honor, virtue, truth and all that’s good

I’m sure you did your best and all you could.

God bless our Mother Dear in life or death

And keep us all like her, firm in the faith.

That when our race upon this earth is run

We all may meet in our eternal home.

Dudley, England, July 1st, 1906

Another few lines written a few days later.

My Mother dear though I am far away

I think of thee quite often every day

And wish within my heart I had the power

To soothe your sufferings in your trying hour.

At morn and night when I bow down in prayer

I ask that God may keep you in his loving care.

And still preserve your life if he thinks best,

Till I shall meet you in the golden West.

But if it be his will that you should be

Called from this life unto eternity

I feel to bow submissive to his will

Knowing that I shall meet dear Mother still.

If true and faithful which I hope to be

I shall both you and my dear Father see

Where pain and sickness and all sorrows cease

And those who’ve overcome find sweet release.

Many times when I used to call at her home she would say, “William, I thank the Lord every day I live that I got you boys all here to Utah and away from the coal mines.” And then she would say, “I am very glad to see you all settled down in comfortable homes with right good wives. I could nae hae got ye better andes if I had picked them mysel.” No person ever left her door hungry if she knew it. She lived with George Muir for more than forty years. Of course she had a great deal to put up with, but she stayed with it and had the satisfaction of seeing him live a sober life for a few years at the last. One thing I want to say for George, with all his drinking and carousing, he was a generally good natured and not abusive as some men are and by having patience and staying with him, she preserved his life for a number of years I am sure.

Your affectionate brother,

William Lindsay.

Extracts from the Diary of Robert Lindsay

15th of June 1888 – England

Got up early and commenced getting ready for my journey to Scotland. I got a little to eat and bade the brethren goodbye. Hired a man to help me carry my things to the station and he took me to the wrong station, and so I missed the train and got very tired. Got next train and arrived in Glasgow in the evening, tired enough. Passed through Preston on the way and saw lots of coal pits; also the Wigan Canal; hills with nothing much but little short-legged black-faced sheep and heather on them. I saw one of them standing on a rock and I thought of Uncle John Murdock and wondered if he ever had seen such a sight.

Passed through Otemholm, a small town with some fine rock houses. Then Tobay Junction, and Penrith. Rough country with small sheep and heather on the hills. Carlile with it’s castles, and Awcondou (?); which is a large and fine city. Some fine cattle in the fields of the Polled Angus variety. Boattock Carotsire (?). Saw two old ruined castles. Wishau, with coal pits and blast furnaces; then Motherwell. Not Brothers Davidson and Low, also a one-armed brother from Utah. They made me welcome.

16th of June 1888

Got up feeling rested and washed and went to writing in my diary; and wrote a letter to President Tocadale (?). Took breakfast, wrote and posted a letter to Brother Chipmen; and then in company with Brothers Davidson and Low went and saw some boat races, which were very exciting and looked very nice. The atmosphere is quite cool and I was glad to get to our quarters. We only take two meals per day. That is all that the Bretheren take in Liverpool at the office.

17th of June 1888

Got up in fair time and washed and started to write, being in a hurry to get my diary up-to-date. Took breakfast and went over to meeting in company with Brother Davidson, Brother Low having gone to visit another Branch early in the morning. They have Sunday School at , which we attended, and all took part in the Book of Mormon Class, and had a good time. At o’clock the meeting was held and there were quite a nice lot of people present, with us for strangers. I had the privilege of speaking first and made a few remarks. Then a Brother Little preached his farewell sermon, expecting to leave in a few days for Utah. After meeting Sister Dunn asked me to go to dinner with her. We had a good time at Brother Dunn’s. They seem to be a very fine family, and greatly desire to gather to Zion.

Meeting at 6:30. Brother Ligget (?) occupied the time.

18th of June 1888

Got up in pretty fair time and washed and went at my diary in good earnest, knowing that tomorrow, all being well, I will be off for Kilmarnock. Took breakfast and asked Sister Walker to try and have my clothes done so that I can get them tonight, and she will have them ready, she says. I wrote a letter to Cousin Martin, also one to Brother James, sending them my address, 159 Matheson Street South Side, care of Robert Davidson. I have written a letter to President Hatch to kind of answer for the wards or people of Heber City.

I am lonesome here when I have nothing to do. I am eager to be away to find out the worst, and I do feel my weakness in starting away alone on such a mission. But I do earnestly ask my Father in Heaven to help me. Oh, how I do pray in my heart to be made equal to every duty that I may have to perform.

I paid Sister Walker for washing my clothes, 10 pence. I also paid for my meals, 4 pence each meal, and gave two shillings for the Store. I went out into the street a little while today and saw a crowd of people standing at a druggist’s window, and learned that a boy six years old had been killed in the street just a few minutes before. I went and saw how he was killed. Some iron had been laid up against the inside of a board shed, and the iron pushed the boards off and it fell on him and killed him. And in an hour another one got run over with a cart and he was not expected to live. So that is the way things go in Glasgow.

19th of June 1888

It is a beautiful morning. I left Glasgow at 20 minutes past 10 o’clock and arrived in Kilmarnock at a few minutes past 11. Went straight to Mill Land and saw the old house that we used to live in. The windows were all broken and the house empty. Then I went to the graveyard and tried to find Father’s grave but could not find anything of it. But knelt down and consecrated the grave and its surroundings and asked God to take especial care of his resting place until the morning of the first resurrection. I have got a few daisies and pansies from the ground as near to where he lies as I could remember.

I then went up to the Enscbrae (?) and found John Murry and wife and wife and enquired about George Johnson’s widow. Took dinner with Brother Murry and am now getting ready to walk to Kilmaure to see if I can find Mrs. Johnsaon. I visited Burn’s monument on the banks of the Kilmarnock River, then I visited the pit where Father was killed. It is still going a very little but they are sinking the shaft deeper.

I made my way to Kilmaurs and in due time I found Mrs. Johnson and she received me kindly and told me I could stay as long as I liked. Her daughter Marget, when she came home, seemed quite sociable and took me to see her sisters and I feel quite at home here. Went to bed at well after 12 and slept pretty well.

20th June 1888

Did not get up until very late. It is the Fair Day here and I am going to see the cattle, all being well. It is a little colder this morning. The cattle are commencing to pass the window now as I write. I have got some flowers here and am going to send some of them home. I visited the cattle fair and saw some very fine looking cows and some beautices, but I was disappointed in seeing so many poor cattle, but I learn that all the cattle that are here are for sale. There is some great talk during their bargaining, all loud and in broad Scotch. I could hear them saying to each other, “cum on Jock, or Jimie, or Rob, gets another haf crun”, or something like that, and all the time holding out their hands and then they have another gill, but nobody drunk, but all happy and good natured. Of course, it is Fair day and that only comes twice a year.

21st June 1888

I forgot I had a long walk with Wm. Paterson yesterday. I visited Kilmurs old graveyard and saw some very old grave stones; 1623, 1674, 1677, 1696, 1729. I also met the Minister, Mr. Ingles, who refused to give us any assistance to get to America. The poor man has had trouble enough since that time and is very little thought of amongst the people generally. I have been visiting the different daughters of Mrs. Johnstone today and finished a letter for home. I am at Wm. Patersons. I went in company with him and visited Row Allan Castle and got some dates off the walls – 1562, 1641. Part of the building is evidently much older for that part with those dates on them are in a good state of preservation, while some has gone to ruin. And the keeper of the castle said there was no doubt in his mind but that the ruined portion was built six or seven hundred years ago. The gates are dated 1661. Some of the outhouses are dated 1683. We had a very pleasant walk and saw and heard a pheasant cock crow. I had my letters addressed to Mr. Paterson for the time being.

22nd June 1888

Did not get out very early. Went to Mack’s well for water to wash. Took breakfast and went and bade folks good bye and started for Crosshuso; and on the way visited Busbey Old Castle. Then John Cameron’s old place, and found a son in the place doing business. He could not tell me anything about Hugh Anderson. I then went to Douglass’ Blacksmith shop and Bruce Douglass told me that Old Man Anderson was still alive and he thought that he lived in Riccarton. I then went to the Leobornd Row and then to Thornton Row. Went into the house that we lived in and got a drink of water. Then I went to where the old coddle pit used to be and had a look at the place. It is all filled up, and the whin pit is all filled up too; and the railroad all ploughed up and fields all changed. I then went to the Milton Dam and up to the old Brig where the man and woman drowned themselves. While on the way from the dam to the Brig an old man overtook me and said his name was Wm. Aird, and he said he knew my father. He gave me some information about the country. I then went through the fields to Big Gatehead farm and on to Gatehead; and am now seated on the bank of the Irvon Water in plain sight of where old Rome stood. It is all gone but the school house. Old Bobin Dickie’s house looks better than when I saw it last. It has just been thatched lately. Todd’s farm is still to the fore. Many of the old houses of Gatehead are gone. The one that we lived in is partly down and partly standing. I am not feeling very strong today.

I am now at Dondonald Castle and on the sunny side. When I have finished my dinner I am going to write a letter to Br. Davidson. I have done both so will look around the old castle. Had a good look but could get no dates. Cut my initials in a rock in the wall. I am now resting by the way as I travel to Tarbolton. I am tired now but have 5 miles to go yet. I am now within 2 ¾ miles of Tarbolton. I have passed an old castle. I think it is called Craigie Castle. I am now at Failtoole. I passed through Tarbolton. Could not get a place to sleep. Went to a place called Ray, a farm house, and found Cousin William Howie. Stayed all night and had a little talk with him. The people were very kind.

23rd June 1888

Got up in fair time and took breakfast and then bade them all goodbye and started for Ann Bank. Arrived there in due time and then to Burnbray; then up on to the railroad bridge and had a fine view of the water Ayr and Knocknoggle home, and beautiful woods on either side of the river. I see the Cushidoo, the Lark and many other birds that I can hear but not see. They are singing in the trees. I have been to Tarhence and Craidhow and am now at Wallace’s Well, and I feel very weak and shaky. I have been to Berrackbow and got a drink of water out of an old well there, also some flowers. Passed down through the Lagland Woods. They look lovely. I took a long look at Oswald’s Brig and surroundings. I walked on to Aly Ayr and tried to find Elias Anderson but could not find him.

I am awful tired. My legs fairly tremble under me. I rested under a chestnut tree and the branches extend 21 yards and make a beautiful shale over the side walk. I took the train for Tarbolton in the evening and arrived at where Cousin Adam Howie is living with his grandmother at 7 o’clock p.m. Very tired. The old lady made me welcome and got me some supper. She gave me some nice milk. I was very glad to get to bed and get my boots off for my feet are very sore. I met a man at Tarbolton station that I had seen before and we had a very pleasant talk all the way from the station to Tarbolton.

24th June 1888

Got up in fair time and washed and took breakfast of porridge and milk, and ont cake and fresh herring and tea. The folks are very kind to me and every one of them tries to make me comfortable. I have been to see the cows and coops. Some of the crops look very poor, their cows are pretty poor, the hay good Ryegrass and looks very well. I also saw a lark’s nest and three young ones in it. Uncle George Howie died 18th Dec. 1885, aged 59 years. Aunt Ann Crawford Howie was born 9th Oct, 1840, died 22nd March 1886. Her brother, Charles Crawford, was born 8th Oct 1833 and died 28th April 1888. Charle’s Mother, Marion Stewart Crawford, was born 8th or 10th July 1807. Her husband, Adam Crawford, was born 15th Nov 1808, died 15th Nov 1883. I visited Burn Weal monument in company with Cousins William and Adam Howie, and a grandson of Grandmother Crawford. Also visited the tronches, or the battle field where William Wallace fought. We came home to Mayers and bade William goodbye.

25th June 1888

Started on my journey for Coylton. Visited Sandy Blackwood and he went with me to St. Cuivox graveyard and I got some dates off the grave stones. He then walked on with me and we met Tom Blackwood in the road and had a talk. We then went in at the gate house and down the coach road to Auchinerey. Big house. It is a beautiful place. We went all around it and out at Oswald’s Brig. Saw the place where the old peelhill pit used to be, then up through the fields to Craidhaw. There Sandy left me and I went on up the hill to Birclauch farm house, and asked for something to eat and got it. The son of the house walked with me along the road a long way and gave me his father’s and mother’s names. I see Joppa now and am not far from Sandhill.

Reached Sandhill Cottages very tired and gave out and found the doors locked at half past two o’clock p.m. I had to lay down by the dike. I could not go any farther. After I had rested about three hours I got up and went to a farm house and asked for broher McClean’s folks and found Sister Mclean at the house, helping to milk their cows. She could not leave with me but told me where to find the key and go into the house. So I went back and got the key and went in and left my overcoat and then went to where Brother McLean was breaking stones on the road, and he came to the house with me and seemed very pleased to meet me, and both he and his wife were very kind to me. I am feeling very weak in my limbs tonight, but we are feeling well in spirit and looking forward to better days. Got to bed late.

26 Jun 1888

Did not get up very early, it being late before I got to sleep. Took breakfast and then wrote a letter, or rather finished one to brother William, and put some flowers in it, then after dinner went with Brother McLean to a potato field and had some talk with some of the farm servants. Came home to Brother McLean’s and wrote a letter to Brother Davidson, telling him just how I feel. My legs are very weak at the present time. I bore my testimony to the farm servants and told them to flee from the judgments that are to come. Told them that peace would be taken from the earth shortly and would not be found anywhere upon the earth except amongst the despised Mormons.

27 June 1888

Got up in pretty good time and washed and took breakfast alone as all the rest had had breakfast. I did not get much sleep all night, having taken tea for supper. I did not get to sleep until after 3 o’clock in the morning. Consequently I am feeling rather sorry today.

Grandmother Howie was born at Lismahagn, Lanarkshire. Grand Uncle William Blackwood died Jan 22, 1837, aged 42 years. Great Grandmother Christina Kennedy died July 1845 aged, 72. Grand Uncle Andrew Blackwood died June 5 1851, aged 41. Great Grandfather George Blackwood died July 28, 1831, aged 65. Andrew McCall was born June 15, 1806, died July 4, 1887. Agnes Lochart McCall was born 1806, died July 23, 1872.

I am feeling very weak and miserable today, but hoping to be relieved soon from my pain. I got to bed at 10 o’clock.

28 June 1888

Got out in tolerable good time and washed and took beakfast and am now ready to go to help Brother McLean to break a few stones. I did just the least work possible yesterday. Still my left hand has a blister on it. Still I cannot travel, neither can I lie still. My limbs are very weak today and I feel miserable. I have been out and broken a few stones but got tired very quickly. I have a pain in my back or loins that makes me quite useless. I helped Brother McLean to hoe a few potatoes and then I pulled one of my teeth that was loose and bothering me. It is raining some today. Helped to get some flowers to decorate a cart for a trip for the S.S. children.

29 June 1888

I feel a little chilly this morning. I wrote a letter to Charles Tillack. I have taken several walks today, not feeling very well, my limbs being weak. I went and prayed to God, my Heavenly Father, and in answer to my prayers the impression came to me that these people, of this land, have been warned and have rejected the Gospel, but there are many very many honest people who have lived and died in this land who never heard the Gospel. Get some of their names and go and do work for them and God will aid and bless you in your labor.

I have taken a walk and my legs seem easier when walking a little. I cannot rest while laying still. I want to be doing something. I have just been out listening to the Corncrake. It has a very peculiar song. Sister McLean gave me 1 shilling to pay my fare to Kilmarnock.

30 June 1888

Got up early and got ready for my journey. Went to Alows Old Kirk yard and saw Sister Jonnies grave. Saw the well where Mongas Mither hanged herself. One grave dated 1691. Saw the Christening pool or bowl in the wall. Burns was sprinkled from this. Also the winock bunker in the wall of the kirk. The date that the kirk has on it is 1516. The bell is 235 years old and still intact. Visited Burnes Monument and saw Tom O’Shanter and Suitor Jonnie, and had a fie view of the Bonnie Doon and the surrounding hills. Walked over the Old Bridge and cut my initials on a stone. Also walked over the new bridge and cut my name on that. Then Brother McLean paid my fare in a cab to Ayr. It is a fine drive. We met the school children in the carts; then went to the Low Green and saw the children.

Bade Brother McLean goodbye and took train for Kilmarnock. Arrived in due time and got my satchel and started for Kilmaurs and there found letters from home, also one from Liverpool that I had sent by mistake. Still feeling very tired and weak in my limbs. Wrote letters to Brothers Teasdale and Davidson; and did not go to bed very early.

1 July 1888

Got up in pretty good time and got water from the Monks well and washed and got ready for Riccarton. Maggie Johnstone went part of the way with me. We had a very pleasant time. I found Hugh Anderson and got the information that I desired. Then I walked to some rows of houses called Peace and Plenty at Coporton and visited one of John Myrry’s daughters. Her name is Martha McNight. We had a very good time. I bore my testimony to them. I then went and saw Mrs. Aird and her daughter and had a very pleasant time. I bore my testimony to them.

I then went and found where mother’s uncle John Howie lived but did not go in, there being some strangers there. Walked to Kilmaurs and found Maggie Johnstone at home. She gave me an old song book and a four-leafed clover, and a small twig of Boxwood, also a thimble and thimble case for Elisa. It was bought at Burnes Monument.

2nd July 1888

Got up in pretty good time and washed and took a walk and then got ready for breakfast. Am now ready for Cumnock. Walked to Kilmarnock and took the train for old Cumnock, and walked in the rain two miles. Found John McDougal and he gave me what information he had. The folds gave me some dinner and he walked to Old Cumnock with me, and I took the train for Kilmarnock. I visited Mother’s Uncle John Howie, and they treated me very kind. I had to take a cup of tea and some biscuits. Took my umbrella to get fixed and then bought a dosen more horn spoons and paid 4 shillings and 5 pence for them; then visited John Murry, and then went to Pie Whites and got a pie. Wm. MacKilpie baker compliments William Honnah. Visited William Fulton and family and they were very kind to me and gave me two cards and asked me to stay all night, so I consented.

Saw Arthur Cunningham in the Star Inn. Paid James Adams 18 pence for fixing my umbrella and had a sociable time with Uncle William Fulton and Mr. Adams. It rained all day and I feel kind of sore. Saw the little chairs that Mother and all the family of children were taught to sit in at Mr. Fulton’s. Mr. Fulton and Aunt Jane had three children; William Howie Fulton, Jane Fulton and John Fulton. John is dead. Address: William Fulton, 2 Paxton St., Kilmarnock.

3rd July 1888

Got up in good time and washed and went with Mr. Fulton to Paxton’s Brewery, and saw their place. They make lots of beer. Then we got on the cart and rode to his house and took breakfast and bade the folks goodbye, and rode with him on the cart to Kilmaurs. It is a cold raw day and looks very much like rain. I did not get any letters. I cut two little pieces of lead off the inside of Wallace’s Monument at Burn Weal and put them in my button sack. I forgot that yesterday I saw Hurlford and Galston; Auchinleck Mauchline, also the Balachmile Bridge. It is a lovely country all along this track. I wrote a letter to Cousin William Howie and sent him my photo. Sugar helps a fire to start if put on the embers. I took supper with Aggie Johnston’s son-in-law.

I was very much disappointed in not getting a letter from Brother Davidson. I went to bed early and my legs pained me so I did not get to sleep for a long time.

4th July 1888

Got up in pretty good time and took breakfast and bade Maggie Johnston goodbye, not expecting to see her again. I walked to Kilmarnock and took train for Ayr, then had to wait two hours for a train for Tarbolton. The station at Tarbolton is two miles from the town and I had to walk there and back and get the graveyard key and see Grandmother’s grave and get what dates I could, and be back in one and a half hours. So with sore legs and a rainy day I had all I could do comfortably. In going to Ayr I passed Gatehead and saw the field that William found the silver spoon that he has.

Drybridge is the next station. Saw Dundonald Old Castle very plainly from the cars. Saw a man watching a lot of women weeding or thinning turnips. It looked like he was driving them to their utmost, they on their knees and he with a hoe in his hand.

We are now in Brassie Station, then Troon. It is the same old dirty looking place. Then Monkton and Prestwick, then Ayr. Arrived in Ayr at 10 o’clock and had to wait two hours for a train going to Torbolten. Bought two copies of the Land of Burns View, two pocket scissors cases, two bells, some leads, two sand glasses, on magnifying glass with views in the handle, one Warren’s Cooking Book, and a cat in a shoe for Maple. Left Ayr for Tarbolton at twelve o’clock. Soon passed Auchincruive Station and saw the old school house where I used to go to school; also the St. Cuivox kirk and kirkyard.

Next station Annbank. From it you can see the Annbank rows and Craghaw and Burnha. Arrived at Tarbolton at half past twelve. Got back to Ayr at half past two o’clock and had to wait 2 ½ hours for a train to Kilmarnock. While waiting I bought some few more things, all from Ayr. Walked down the quay and saw the dry docks where they build and repair vessels. It is quite an invention. Saw part of the old city wall still standing, some of it 20 feet high and very strong. There are lots of old rock castles all over the land. Went and looked at the house where Grandmother lived. Bought 3 small nutmeg graters on the old bridge. Then walked to the station and took train for Kilmarnock; and then to Kilmaurs. Took supper and bade the folks goodbye. Took train for Glasgow and arrived about half past 9 p.m. Very tired and with a fire on my eye. Found Brothers Davidson and Low, Ligget and two other young men. Got the fire off my eye and went to bed.

5th July 1888

I feel very sore this morning. Brothers Davidson and Low helped me to the station and brother Low helped me about getting a ticket. I bade the bretheren goodby and at 20 minutes past ten o’clock I started from Glasgow. The scenery is lovely. Saw a plantation of trees on the slope of a hill. It was in the shape of a sheaf of wheat, only it was ½ or ¾ of a mile long. Saw the Clyde River away in the mountains. It is small. Saw fields of potatoes frozen. Saw soldiers encamped drilling for war all along the line.

Bristol, England seems to be quite a manufacturing town, from the number of smoke stacks and the amount of smoke there is in and around it. Wiggoni has lots of coal pits. Arrived in Liverpool and took a cab for 52 and found Brothers McAlister, Clark and Brown there. Brother Teasdale having gone out. Got some food and then Brother Teasdale came home and I had a talk with him and he said he thought it was bad enough to be in this land on a mission in good health and said he did not want me to stay any longer. Advised me to take an immediate passage on account of my health; so I did, paying 5 shillings more; costing , leaving me after my fare to the station is paid, $3.60 to pay all expenses from New York to Heber City.

Copied from the original

17 March 1963, Payson, Utah

By Alta K. Lindsay

William Lindsay Senior

A Brief History of William Lindsay Senior

and His Wife and Family

This is Don H. Lindsay's great great grandfather.

This William Lindsay was the Eldest son of Robert McQueen Lindsay and Elizabeth Geddes. He was born in May, 1820, at Wanlockhead, Dumfries Shire, Scotland. Wanlockhead is a small village and the chief occupation of the men is lead mining. It is located high up in the Lowther hills where the bonnie bloomin heather adorns the hills in the summer time. The village is eight or ten miles from a railroad and is quite isolated. Most of the people are related through marriage as their forefathers have lived there for generations back. They seem to be a simple, honest, sincere class of people; very religious and law abiding; hospital and friendly. People seldom moved away from there and very seldom any new families came there to make homes.

However, this Robert McQueen Lindsay and his family moved into Ayrshire probably about 1832, where he and his eldest son, William, engaged in sinking shafts and opening new coal mines. While working there William got acquainted with a young woman who was a dairy maid at one of the farm houses whose name was Christina Howie and in due time they were married at Coylton parish church, July 19, 1844. This I learned from the parish records in Edinburgh some time since.

She was born at Craighall July 3, 1823 and had lived near there all her life up to that time. Her parents names were William Howie and Jane Blackwood; highly respectable people of the working class and their work was on farms, tilling the soil and attending to the horses and cows, and usually a few sheep were kept on each farm.

Soon after their marriage this couple moved to a little village named Gatehead, where Robert, their eldest son was born on 19th of April 1845. On account of changes in the work and wages of the coal miners they changed and moved from place to place quite often, seeking better pay or better working conditions.

From there they moved to a place called Chapehall, near Ardrie in Lanarkshire and while living there their second son was born on the 11th of February, 1847. It was probably while living here that they came into contact with the Mormon Elders. I have heard my father say he attended a meeting held by a Mormon Elder named Crandel Dunn and that he attended that meeting for the purpose of showing this Elder wherein he was wrong. But he listened attentively to his preaching and soon became convinced that the elder was preaching the Gospel exactly as Christ and his Apostles preached it as set forth in the New Testament. Therefore he could not gainsay it. So it came to pass that in April 1848, Grandfather and Grandmother Lindsay and all their family were baptized as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, including William Lindsay and his wife Christina Howie and all became active, earnest workers in the Church with the exception of James, who had enlisted in the British Army and was then in South Africa, and he too, found an Elder in that country and was baptized when he learned that the rest of the family had all been baptized into the Church.

While the Lindsay family all joined, our Mother, Christina Howie, was the only one of the Howie family to join the Church at that time. Soon after William Lindsay’s baptism he was ordained an Elder and used to go out on the streets and preach the Gospel to people in the neighborhood of his home. He also in time acted as President of at least two branches, one at the town of Ayr and also at Stewarton; and he was very prompt and faithful in attending to all his duties in the Church as long as he lived. He even, when President of the Ayr branch, had to walk ten miles there and ten miles back attending the meetings but he felt it was his duty and he did it regularly.

For some cause, however, they moved back into Ayrshire before our brother James’s birth, which took place on the 17th of February, 1849, at a place called Hudson Bridge, near Kilmarnock in Ayrshire. I think it was while living near Kilmarnock that mother was baptized by John Lyon, the poet, and a prominent man in the Church. The next move they made was to a farm house named Plelland (?), Near Tarbolton. Father was working at a mine some four or five miles off and could not be at home and while mother and the rest of the family were living in this out-of-the-way place our dear mother gave birth to twin boys. This was on March 4, 1851. Father had, however, engaged an old lady to come and care for mother at the time of her confinement, which she did and mother and the twins got along wonderfully well considering everything. The twins were named Samuel and George and not long after their birth father got the family moved to Brnbrae, near where he and grandfather were sinking a new shaft, and we were all happy to be together again.

I can remember we had scarcely enough to eat when living at Plelland (?) and perhaps not much to wear either. It was hard times for some cause. We soon moved again, this time to Craighall, where our good brother George died and was buried in St. Quin Churchyard, and brother Andrew was born on April 14, 1853. And it was while here that the men working in the mine with father, on account of pure prejudice on account of his being a Mormon, called a meeting and decided to have father discharged. A committee waited on the mine owner and stated their case. Mr. Dixon asked if Mr. Lindsay had interfered with any of them in any way and they admitted he had not but he was one of those Mormons and they would not work in a mine where he was. “Well,” said Mr. Dixon, “I have noticed that Mr. Lindsay is one of the best miners in the mine. He is steady and dependable and can be trusted to do any kind of a job in the mine and I am not going to discharge him just because he is a Mormon. You men work or quit, just suit yourselves but Mr. Lindsay can work anyhow.” So, of course, the men went back to work and were a little more careful in their actions towards the Mormon.

Our next move was to Gatehead near Kilmarnock and while here our sister, Jean, was born and while living here Grandfather Lindsay was severely burned in an explosion of gas in the coal mine, but by careful nursing and the blessings of the Lord he finally recovered. Brother Robert and I used to gather hawthorn blossoms to scent the room he was in.

While living at Gatehead Robert and I went to school. I for the first time but the teacher was a cruel man and whipped the children unmercifully if they did not happen to suit him. I can’t remember learning anything from him.

We moved again, this time near Crosshouse, and finally to Thornton Row and it was while there that Robert and I attended Neephill School about a year. We had a very good teacher named John Smith, and there I got all my school education as while less than ten years of age I was put to work in a coal mine. Robert, of course, went to work in the mine too, but he was near two years older than I. The law of the land did not allow boys to work in the mine under ten years of age unless they could read and write. Not long after I went to work in the mine the government inspector and the mine owner came down in the mine together and seeing me I heard him say to Mr. Finnie, “Here is a boy under age, you are to blame for allowing such a thing and it will cause you to be fined.” Mr. Finnie was annoyed but came to me and asked if I could read and write. I said, “Yes, Sir.” He took a book from his pocket and asked me to read, which I did. He then asked me to spell “Carmelbank” I spelled it right and so he asked me to read some more writing, which I did. Of course, this pleased him very much and he took out his purse and found no small change and he said, “You are a clever little fellow and I’ll be owing you a shilling.” The inspector said, “Mr. Finnie, I have a shilling, I will give the boy it and you can pay me later.” So in this way I got the first shilling I ever owned.

While living at Thornton Row, two more sisters were born, Elizabeth, November 14, 1858, and Isabella, December 31, 1860, and James and Samuel began to work in the mine. This was three miles from Kilmarnock where our church meetings were held and us larger boys were all required to attend regularly on the Sabbath Day. In fact, it was the only day that we even saw daylight in the winter when the days were short. We often went down in the mine before daylight and did not get out of the mine until after dark. So we were very thankful for the Sabbath.

Our father being a very steady man, always sober and dependable, always had the respect of the managers of the mines and the better class of the miners. But we boys had to stand the scoffs and scorn of the more ignorant class of men and boys; sometimes hard to bear. One little circumstance I will relate. When the men called at the office to get their pay, as each man’s name was called he stepped up to the office window and his pay was handed out to him. Father’s name was usually called among the first. One time he was not there when his name was called. An ignorant fellow named Lindsay answered. “The Mormon Lindsay’s not here but I’m here.” Mr. Gilmour said, “Well, even if he is a Mormon, he’s a much better man than you are.”

Well, of course, working in the mine was very hard work and very long hours; hardly ever less than twelve hours in the mine. Boys from 11 to 12 years of age were used almost entirely pushing the little cars loaded with coal from where it was dug to the shaft where it was taken to the surface, and with forty to sixty boys, all of an age you may be sure there was many a quarrel and often a fight for a change and every boy had to defend his rights or be over-run by his mates.

Father used to tell us boys to seek no quarrel with any of the boys and be sure not to try to abuse them in any way and if they try to abuse you, defend yourselves the best you can and then if you can’t maintain your rights, report to me and I will see that you get justice. But don’t ask me to interfere if you can get anything like fair play. So, of course, we learned to stand up for our rights when quite young in a coal mine.

Wages were very small and father’s family kept increasing so it took practically all we could to make ends meet when we all had regular work and all were well and able to work. Father tried hard to save a few shillings to put in the emigration fund in the hope that some of the family would be able to come to Utah and in time send for those who were left behind. But very little could be spared for that purpose. Finally, we moved right into the town of Kilmarnock early in 1861 and worked in a coal mine near the town. By this time there were four of us boys working in the mines – James and I were mates and Robert and Sam made a team to push the coal cars and things seemed to be going along smoothly when the 17th day of October, 1861, our dearly loved father was accidentally killed by a large stone falling on him while at work in the mine.

Brother James and I were working with him taking the coal away in the little cars. We were the last to see him alive and were gone with our car of coal about half an hour and came back to find him dead. Of course, we were almost frantic in our endeavors to get the stone removed but it was impossible, even when we ran to other parts of the mine and got men to come and help remove the stone, they were some time in getting him out from under it.

That was a sad and sorrowful day for us and especially for our dear Mother, who, with him, had been hopefully looking forward to the time when he and all the family might at some future time have the blessed privilege of coming to Zion and making our home. The last words our Dear Father said to James and I when we left him alive and well were, “Pitch in boys and help me all you can for I have not long to be with you.” I believe he had in mind his expected coming to Utah in the spring of 1862, when he intended to come and bring James with him and leave Robert and I to support the family until he could send for us. Of course, the men got his body and took it to our home.

What a sad home coming that was. He had left home that morning well and strong and full of hope and cheer for the future. Now all our hope seemed blasted forever. A few of our friends came to our aid and did all they could to cheer and comfort us and prepare his body for burial.

He was buried in St. Andrews Churchyard in the town of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. No man was better respected and loved by those who really knew him. John Lyon, the poet said, “He was a man in whom there was no guile.” A kind and considerate husband to our Dear Old Mother and a very affectionate and patient father to his children.

But even in this dark hour of trial our good Mother did not give up. But when we were all feeling very downhearted and discouraged said, “Cheer up boys, we will go the the valley yet and on the very first ship next spring.” Her words proved true to the letter. We did come on the first ship that brought Mormon emigrants in the spring of 1862.

However, we were under the necessity of still working in the mine from the time of our dear father’s death up to the 14th of April, 1862. The pit boss helped us to find men to work with pushing the cars in the mine. But it was a sad change for us working with strangers and there were those who imposed on us as we had no kind father now to protect us. We even had to push our little cars right over the spot where Dear Father lost his life.

However, we managed to work every day and got along as well as we could trying to earn enough to support mother and the family. Mother doing all she could to encourage us and save expenses of all kinds.

On the 16th of April 1862, Mother received a letter from George Q. Cannon, in Liverpool telling her that passages had been secured for all her family on the ship John J. Boyd and advising her to dispose of furniture and any other thing not needed for the long journey to Utah and for us to be in Liverpool on the 20th, ready to sail for New York.

This letter caused great rejoicing in our home. Brother Sam was so overjoyed he ran around the house saying. “Boys that is the best letter ever came to our house.” And we all felt to endorse it. There was some excitement disposing of what little we had and making preparations for the long tedious journey before us. Some of us boys went to the mine and notified the men we were leaving and we sold what tools we had of father’s for just what was offered us and Mother did the same with the house furnishings and on the morning of the 19th of April, Robert’s 17th birthday, we boarded the train for Glasgow where we were bet by Brother Robert Sands, who secured passage for us on a small steamboat bound for Liverpool and helped us get located on the boat and here we left our native land without the least feeling of regret. Not that we did not love the land of our forefathers and many heroes and great men Scotland had produced, such as Wallace and Bruce and Burns and many others, noted characters, but we felt that we were being privileged to go to a land of greater liberty and opportunity, and especially as it was to us the land of Zion and the headquarters of the Church where all our future hopes and prospects in life were centered.

We landed in Liverpool next morning and went on board the John J. Boyd along with some 700 Mormon emigrants all bound for Utah. James S. Brown was in charge of the company and John G. Lindsay and Joseph C. Rich were his counselors. The ship was divided into 7 wards and men put in charge of each ward, so that every person was looked after according to their needs while crossing the ocean.

We left Liverpool on the 22nd of April, 1862, bound for New York and we landed there on the 4th of June. We had one quite severe storm and two deaths. A man and a child who slipped over the side of the ship into a watery grave. Rations of food were issued once a week. A very small amount of flour, rice, sugar, potatoes and salt pork. There was one large stove called a galley on which to cook for 700 people. A very little water was also allowed but, it was very poor water.

But we lived on our fare all right and were glad when we reached New York and got on land again. Of course, we all had a taste of sea sickness and the taste is not pleasant at all but is never fatal.

It is too long a tale to tell of the many changes we had to make in getting from New York to Florence, or Winter Quarters, where we stayed seven weeks waiting for ox teams coming from Utah with which to take us over the plains and mountains to Utah. Suffice it to say we were ten days getting from New York and we had very little to eat at that time. I have said we suffered more with hunger on that trip than any other time in my life. While we stayed at Florence we got all we needed to eat at the Church Store there. Old Robert McKnight met us there with a small bucket of milk and a basket of scones his wife Katie had coked for that purpose, all of which was very much appreciated by us hungry boys. He also got our family located in a little log cabin that was standing empty and probably had been built by some of the Mormon people before starting for the Rocky Mountains. Most of the other members of our company were quartered in barns and stables that had been built by the Mormon Pioneers. About the 20th of July, the ox teams arrived from Utah and we were glad to see them although they looked roughly dressed and with their big whips and their strong voices made a great noise and confusion. It was indeed a very strange sight to us, we had never seen anything near like it before.

However, we were soon assigned to John Turner’s wagon along with a few others, about 12 persons to each wagon. Each family was given a bake skillet, a camp kettle and a frying pan and flour and bacon once a week and about once a week an allowance of fresh beef. A few small animals were driven along by each company to be used for beef at odd times.

As soon as possible we started on the westward journey in Homer Duncan’s ox train. Everything as done in an orderly way to make the people as comfortable as possible on the long wearisome journey. There was always 50 or more teams and wagons in each company and some six men on horseback who herded the oxen at night when they were turned out to eat grass, so they could work the next day. Fifteen miles was an average day’s travel and everybody had to walk if they possibly could.

A tent was furnished for each wagon to be hauled in the wagon and set up each night for the people to sleep in who belonged to that wagon and one man in each had the job of setting up the tent at night and taking it down and putting it in the wagon next morning. A corral was bade by one half of the wagons being placed on one side and the other half on the other side, and it was used to put the oxen in to yoke them up for each day’s travel and also as a meeting place where prayers were offered at night and morning and warning and advice given to members of the camp.

A bugle was sounded to call the people together for meetings. Although it was a long and very trying journey for people who had never seen oxen or tried to cook by smoky fires, or slept outdoors, even though tired, worn and weary, they used to gather around the campfires in the evenings and sing songs; especially “Come, Come, Ye Saints, no Toil nor Labor Fear, But with Joy Wend Your Way.” There was always someone who had a violin, an accordion or a concertina to make music and even play for a dance at odd times. We had several deaths on that journey and a shallow grave without a coffin was all that could be given them, and their sorrowing dear ones had to march on with the train never to see those graves again. Many had died and laid their wearied bodies down by the side of the Mormon wagon trial from the year 1847 to the year 1868. All that crossed the plains before the railroad are real Pioneers. Just think what faith and courage our good old Mother showed in undertaking such a journey with such a family in those conditions.

Our family got through without any loss of life. Our little sister Elizabeth was not well when we got here and died two weeks after our arrival in Heber and was buried among the first in the Heber Cemetery.

John Turner being from Heber and we being in his wagon, came right into Heber without going to Salt Lake City as nearly all Mormon emigrants did. George Muir was living here and mother knew him in Scotland, also his brother John Muir. So as this valley was new, mother thought it would be a good place for us boys to get some land and make our own homes in time.

We landed in Heber on the 21st day of September, 1862, having been five months on the way. Three days after getting here Robert and I went to work. We were hired for a year each to get one hundred dollars, to be paid in wheat at $2.00 a bushel, so Mother could get wheat to grind into flour for her and the younger children to live on. Mother had brought some clothing with her and traded it to Bailie Sprouse for a log house all ready to move into and a little later she traded more clothing for a cow. At the end of the year I took a cow on my wages and let Mother have her to milk, and later I traded the cow for 18 acres of land.

In 1863 Mother was married to George Muir and us older boys kept working for different people and earning means to help Mother feed and clothe the children, and finally amongst us we had two yoke of oxen and a wagon of our own and I went to hauling wood and coal to Salt Lake City to sell for store pay. There really was no money.

In 1866 the Blackhawk war came and I enrolled in John M Murdock’s company and did service, for which I now receive a pension. Robert worked for Alex Claderwood on the Weber that year and did not enroll that year, and though he enrolled in 1867, no one got a pension for that year as the war was over mostly.

Mother later went to Evanston with George Muir and kept boarders and made quite a bit of money and sent some to us boys, who were then married, and with her money and our work, her rock house was built. She later came home and took up a homestead in Center Creek, lived on it and proved up and gave the deeds to her sons John and George. She also acted as a midwife for years and had one of the first sewing machines and did sewing for others, and did what Temple Work she could and was really a wonderful and good woman in many ways. We had good faithful parents. God bless their memory.

William Lindsay – April 1931

Robert Lindsay is Don Lindsay's great grandfather


Robert Lindsay was the eldest son of William Lindsay and Christina Howie. He was born at Gatehead, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland; April 19, 1845. He was born of poor but honest parents, his father being a coal miner by vocation. He had very little schooling and started to work regularly in the coal mines when about ten years of age. This was very hard work for boys, as well as men, and they had to work very long hours. In the winter season, when the days were short, they seldom saw daylight except on Sunday. So, of course, they appreciated the Sabbath very much, as on that day they went to church instead of going down the mine.

On the 17th of October, 1861, his father was killed by a large stone falling on him while at work in the Station pit near Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. The family was left in a very sad condition. Eight children were left without a father, who had been a good provider and a kind and affectionate parent to his family. There were four of the boys working in the coal mines at the time, three besides himself. They were William, James and Samuel, but they were all too young to dig coal so they had to work as helpers, with other men, as long as they remained in Scotland.

His parents had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in May of 1848, and had a great desire to come to Utah. His father had been paying small sums into the emigration fund, with the end in view that he might come to Utah, then try to raise means to send for his family later. His death, of course, seemed to put an end to the thought of ever getting to Utah.

His mother’s faith was good and her courage strong. She said to her children, even when their hopes seemed to be blasted, “Never mind boys, we will go to Zion yet, next spring, and on the very first ship.” Her words came true. The Church came to their aid and provision was made for the whole family to leave together. A letter came with this information, giving them only three to four days’ notice and telling them to sell all they had and get to Liverpool by the 20th of April, 1862. This they gladly did, leaving their home on the 19th, which was Robert’s 17th birthday. They reached Liverpool the next day, going from Glasgow on a small steamboat and having their first experience with sea-sickness.

They went on board the sailing ship “John J. Boyd”, 700 passenger capacity, bound for New York. They sailed from Liverpool on the 22nd of April. They had a fairly good passage over the Atlantic. One quite bad storm occurred but no great damage was done. A sea voyage in those days on a sailing ship, tossed by the wind, with poor food and water, and much sea-sickness, was somewhat of a hardship for all.

They landed in New York on the 4th of June, all glad to be on land once more, and especially the land of Zion.

It took ten days at that time to get from New York to Florence, Nebraska, where the teams from Utah would meet and take them across the plains. They had but little to eat coming from New York to Florence. Here the Church had a store where they could get all the food needful. They had to lay over here some seven weeks waiting for the ox teams and their drivers. The season had been late and the rivers very high.

They were assigned to a wagon driven by John Turner of Heber, and they crossed the plains in Homer Duncan’s company, spending two months on the way. This was their first introduction to Bull Whackers and ox teams. But they soon got used to the cracking of the whips and the whoa, hawing and geeing of the teamsters. It was still harder to learn to cook in the bake skillet and frying pan over a fire made of sticks, when they were available, and buffalo chips when they could get nothing better. Flour and bacon were about all they got to cook and everybody had to walk.

The family came right into Heber, arriving September 21, 1862. Robert was hired out to work one year for one hundred dollars in wheat, at two dollars per bushel. He worked for several years for different persons, at all kinds of work, and finally got a team and wagon of his own.

He married Sarah Ann Murdock December 15, 1868, in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City. They went on their wedding tour with an ox team. He took up a homestead on Lake Creek, where he lived the rest of his life with the exception of his filling a short mission to Australia in 1887 and 1888.

He was a Sunday School teacher for many years. Also a High Priest and High Councilor up to the time of his death.

He was a hard working man and did his full share in all public enterprises for the building of the county and town of Heber and vicinity. He was of a generous, kindly disposition and made friends wherever he went. He was the father of sixteen children and labored hard to provide for them, make them comfortable and happy, and to teach and train them in the ways of truth and righteousness. Few men have done more real hard work in grubbing sage, clearing and fencing land, making water ditches and building comfortable homes.